
KindyROO Child Development and Programs

What KindyROO is and how a child develops the mind and the body

Have you ever heard about KindyROO? It is an Australian early child development system for children from 6 weeks to 5 years of age. It is scientifically grounded and is based on numerous studies in pediatrics, psychology, pedagogy and neurology.

The system is divided into classes according to the age and skills of the children. Everything happens through movement, games, dances, songs and rhymes.

KindyROO Child Development and Programs

Main objective - Sensor-motor integration

All children are doing exercises aimed at suppressing primary reflexes, which, if not suppressed in time, can cause difficulties not only in motorcycle.

We are all born with many reflexes that help us survive. Each reflex has a specific function and purpose, the implementation of which is already superfluous and needs to be suppressed and replaced.

Instead of these involuntary movements, other, militant and purposeful actions also help our survival and full existence.

In order for this process to happen, babies and children need a variety of movements, consistent with their biological and neurological age.

What he/she is up to 5 years of age?

KindyROO’s program is for children under the age of 5 because it is the period when the brain develops most intensively, and everything we do with children during these first years of their lives sets the foundation for their further development and skills.

The more movements a child performs, the more automated these movements become. Once they become automated, the brain stops consuming resources around everything related to movement and pro-vision - it is no longer necessary to continually calculate the position of the body in space, to give signals to correct a posture, etc.

When we release the brain from the need to make all of these calculations, we help him to put all this resource and energy into other, more complex operations such as mental activity, for example.

Therefore, when a child has a good motor culture and properly suppressed reflexes, we can say that it is ready for school.

When sitting on a desk, it will not lean on its head with fatigue or uncompressed reflexes; will not move the whole head, but only the eyes when reading and tracking order in order in the notebook; he will not "squish" on the board, trying to find the position that is comfortable for him.

KindyROO’s program aims precisely this:

- studying the natural development of children,

- suppressing all primary reflexes and replacing them with higher, postural ones,

- Supporting the superior functions of the brain (memory, concentration, and thinking) and, of course, not least - providing opportunities for entertainment, games and peer-to-peer socialization.

KindyROO classes are group and meeting the children with other children and parents with other parents is an important part of the emotional state of each family. Since babies, children have noticed one another, are studying, communicating, touching and exchanging toys, baby song and their parents form new contacts and friendships, exchange valuable experience and advice. 3D Kindergarten Songs, and cartoon nursery rhymes collection for young children and toddlers.

Kids First Android App:

Bob the Train Kids App on iOS:

Bob the Train Kids App on GOOGLE PLAY:


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